Tag Archives: law school

Mexican-American Bar Association of Texas Foundation awards law students

The Mexican-American Bar Association of Texas Foundation’s 19th annual Scholarship Luncheon took place August 21, 2024, at the C. Baldwin Curio Collection by Hilton. Scholarships are awarded to outstanding law students from each of the three Houston-based law schools who “exemplify leadership, commitment, justice, and equality within the Hispanic community and beyond.”… Continue Reading

“People’s Law School” moves to online format after October event

The popular, 30-year-old legal education program known as the “People’s Law School” is halting its in-person classes on the campus of the University of Houston Law Center and moving its program online. This is the final year that people can attend the “People’s Law School” in person. The final live program will be from 9 … Continue Reading

Mexican-American Bar Association of Texas Foundation to hold annual scholarship luncheon

The Mexican-American Bar Association of Texas Foundation, or MABATx Foundation, will host its 14th annual Scholarship Luncheon benefiting Hispanic law students on August 21 at the C. Baldwin Curio Collection by Hilton (the former Downtown DoubleTree Houston). Scholarships will be awarded to law students from each of Houston’s three law schools (South Texas College of … Continue Reading

Stories of Recovery: In Law School, I Partied My Way to Notoriety; Now I’m Building a Foundation for Sobriety

Editor’s note: This post is part of the Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program’s Stories of Recovery series. TLAP offers confidential assistance for lawyers, law students, and judges with substance abuse or mental health issues. Call TLAP at 1-800-343-8527 (TLAP) and find more information at tlaphelps.org. My first experience with alcohol at age 13 should have been as good a deterrent … Continue Reading

Register now to attend University of Houston’s “People’s Law School”

The “People’s Law School” returns to the University of Houston on April 1. The event, sponsored by the Houston Lawyer Referral Service and the Center for Consumer Law at the University of Houston Law Center, will host more than 40 volunteer lawyers, judges, and law professors as they teach courses for the public in 15 … Continue Reading

Program connects underrepresented undergrads to legal profession

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2015 summer session of the University of Houston Legal Center’s Pre-Law Pipeline Program. The six-week residential program is designed to introduce undergraduates from low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented backgrounds to the legal profession though introductory law courses, internship opportunities in the Houston area, and LSAT prep, which has increased … Continue Reading