In recognition of National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15), which celebrates the contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the United States, the Texas Bar Blog connected with Donald Delgado, a College Station-based attorney focused on civil litigation and vice president of the Texas Young Lawyers Association. A first-generation attorney and Texan, the Bryan … Continue Reading
The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program, an initiative of the Dallas Bar Association and Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, is hosting 11 free legal clinics for county residents who meet financial guidelines. The clinics, which will be held throughout June, will offer legal advice and consultation in civil matters.… Continue Reading
The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program, an initiative of the Dallas Bar Association and Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, is hosting 11 free legal clinics for county residents who meet financial guidelines. The clinics, which will be held throughout May, will offer legal advice and consultation in civil matters.… Continue Reading
Austin Adoption Day brought together 24 new families at the Gardner Betts Juvenile Justice Center on Thursday, November 1. Sponsored by the Austin Bar Foundation, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, and several others, the event put 51 foster care children into “forever families.” The day was one of celebration as the justice … Continue Reading
Share your blog with more readers! Texas Bar Today is a curated blog updated daily that features legal news and commentary by Texas legal professionals:… Continue Reading
The State Bar of Texas and the Austin Bar Association won Luminary Awards for Excellence in Electronic Media at the National Association for Bar Executives Communications Section Workshop, held last week in Savannah, Georgia. Each year, the section recognizes outstanding work in bar association communications by honoring projects of the past year.… Continue Reading
Texas Bar Today, the State Bar of Texas online media network that features curated news and commentary from Texas legal professionals, went live today with a new look that is clean and easy to navigate. Seattle-based LexBlog provided the creative for and managed the migration of the new site, which boasts the latest notable blog … Continue Reading
This blog originally appeared on 3 Geeks and a Law Blog. This morning, I had the honor of spending half a day with the famed Daniel Goleman exploring emotional intelligence, focus, and leadership as a part of the CEO Global Network – Great CEO Speaker Series. The room was filled with C-Suite executives from a … Continue Reading
By Ivan Hemmans, ABA TECHSHOW Board 2015 For those select few who spend a significant portion of their days drafting, revising, or reviewing documents in Microsoft Word, even the smallest productivity improvement can have a huge impact on how much work gets done. Here are a few simple keyboard combos that can help raise the … Continue Reading
The following post is reprinted with permission from Lawyers Who Lunch, a new blog about work-life balance from the Texas Young Lawyers Association. Find more posts at… Continue Reading
Texas Bar Today is an online media network featuring curated news and commentary from Texas legal professionals. If you are a Texas legal professional/blogger and are not yet listed on our Texas Law Blogs section of Texas Bar Today, please email to request inclusion on the site.… Continue Reading