Tag Archives: #lawyervacay

#LawyerVacay highlights

Here are some of our favorite #LawyerVacay submissions so far. We want to see how you spend your time away from the office and focus on your well-being! Tag us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LawyerVacay. Not on social media? Email us at tbj@texasbar.com.… Continue Reading

State Bar of Texas, Dallas Bar Association win Luminary Awards

The State Bar of Texas received a Luminary Award for Excellence in Electronic Media and the Dallas Bar Association won one for Excellence in Special Projects at the National Association of Bar Executives Communications Section Workshop, held last week in St. Louis, Missouri. Each year the workshop brings together bar associations from across the country to … Continue Reading

Take a Break: Show us how you de-stress with #LawyerVacay

Practicing law can be stressful, so it’s important to take time to decompress. Heavy workloads and client stories can take a toll on lawyers both physically and psychologically. That’s why we recently started a monthly work-life column in the Texas Bar Journal highlighting ways attorneys and firms are finding time to de-stress from the pressures … Continue Reading