A private attorney, a federal prosecutor, and a legal scholar tackled the challenges of combatting invasive online crimes such as sextortion, doxxing, and cyberstalking during a South by Southwest panel titled “When the Internet Turns Violent and Abusive.” Mona Sedky, a federal prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section, … Continue Reading
It seems everyday there is a new report about bitcoin and the amount of value it continues to generate on the market. The tremendous amount of wealth being driven into initial coin offerings, or ICOs, is creating a new generation of barons similar to the financial influence exerted by John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and … Continue Reading
With the growing presence of artificial intelligence in daily life—self-driving cars, facial recognition, personalized Amazon search results, and smart personal assistants like Alexa and Echo—there are questions forming about what rules should be followed.… Continue Reading
The State Bar of Texas has launched a new technology page with information and links to resources attorneys need to navigate the intersection of technology and the law. The page, texasbar.com/tech-resources, offers links to informational videos, online resources from TexasBarCLE, technology articles from the Texas Bar Journal, law practice management resources, a link to a … Continue Reading
Austin’s most anticipated yearly event is back and lawyers have many opportunities to learn about legal trends and the future of the profession while taking part in the festivities. South by Southwest has been offering continuing legal education and other law-related programming since 1998, and this year it features panels on everything from cybersecurity and … Continue Reading
Our top four picks from the Texas Bar Journal’s May issue, plus Disciplinary Actions and Memorials. History Revisited The 1925 all-woman court will be reenacted at the State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting. By David A. Furlow and Lynne Liberato SXSW 2016 Where tech and law collide. By Lindsay Stafford Mader Service on the Move The … Continue Reading
“The world is becoming automated, and law is no exception.” This is an unavoidable reality, according to panelists of the South by Southwest Interactive session “Your Next Lawyer Could be a Machine,” who said that it is a “scary time” for lawyers who don’t embrace the possibilities of a technologically driven future but “an incredible … Continue Reading
This summer, the State Bar of Texas became the first bar association in the nation to offer its members access to both Casemaker and Fastcase. While this is no doubt exciting for those attorneys who already know the benefits offered by these two legal research products—others might be wondering how it affects their daily practice … Continue Reading