Tag Archives: paralegals

Register now for TAPS 2019

The State Bar of Texas Paralegal Division will host the 2019 Texas Advanced Paralegal Seminar from September 18 to 20 at the DoubleTree in Austin. “There’s No Place Like TAPS” will include CLE, socials, a keynote luncheon, and the Paralegal Division Annual Meeting on September 20.… Continue Reading

Registration under way for annual paralegal CLE event

By Megan Goor The State Bar of Texas Paralegal Division is hosting its annual three-day CLE event October 4-6 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Addison. Early registration has been extended until August 22. The Texas Advanced Paralegal Seminar, or TAPS, is a three-day conference for paralegals that includes up to 14 hours of continuing … Continue Reading

Luncheon celebrates Paralegal Day

District 3 of the State Bar of Texas Paralegal Division celebrated Paralegal Day with a luncheon October 12. The event celebrated paralegals and the 35th anniversary of the division’s establishment in 1981, when the State Bar of Texas became the first bar association to create a separate division for paralegals.… Continue Reading

Board of Legal Specialization announces induction of 206 attorneys, 25 paralegals

The Texas Board of Legal Specialization announced the induction of 206 attorneys and 25 paralegals into Board Certification at its annual induction ceremony Thursday. The event, held at the University of Texas’ Frank Erwin Center, was attended by more than 450 attorneys, paralegals and family members from all over the state as well as the … Continue Reading

October 23 is Texas Paralegal Day

Each year in Texas, October 23 is recognized as Paralegal Day to honor the paralegal community and its contributions. The State Bar of Texas Paralegal Division encourages everyone to honor paralegals by celebrating Texas Paralegal Day. October 23 marks the anniversary of the division’s founding in 1981. The section was created to promote high standards of conduct, professional ethics, and … Continue Reading

Webinar to train paralegals on pro bono volunteering

The Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Texas and texaslawhelp.org are offering a free training webinar to paralegals who are interested in volunteering for the website’s pro bono program. The webinar will be available online September 9 from 6 to 7:30 p.m., and the Paralegal Division’s Fort Worth/Arlington division will host an in-person training … Continue Reading