District 3 of the State Bar of Texas Paralegal Division celebrated Paralegal Day with a luncheon October 12.
The event celebrated paralegals and the 35th anniversary of the division’s establishment in 1981, when the State Bar of Texas became the first bar association to create a separate division for paralegals.
Tarrant County Bar Association President-elect Nick Bettinger read aloud a proclamation for the occasion and State Bar President-elect Tom Vick also attended the event.
Barbara Kirby, the director of paralegal studies at Texas Wesleyan University, presented a CLE, “Walking the Legal Tightrope: The future of the legal profession.”
Photography Courtesy of District 3 of the Paralegal Division. From left: State Rep. Phil King of Eggleston & King; District 3 Director Mary Wintermote of Cotten Schmidt & Abbott; State Bar President-elect Tom Vick; Paralegal Division President Megan Goor of the Brender Law Firm; and Tarrant County Bar Association President-elect Nick Bettinger of McDonald Sanders.