Editor’s Note: The State Bar of Texas is providing this collection of important links, blog posts, and media stories to keep its members and the public informed of the latest news and resources related to the novel coronavirus outbreak and its impact on the legal community.

Important links

State Bar of Texas Coronavirus Legal Resources Page — Texasbar.com/coronavirus

State Bar of Texas Coronavirus Public Resources Page — Texasbar.com/COVIDHelp

Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program Well-being Resources page — Texasbar.com/remote-well-being

Texas tries a pandemic first: a jury trial by Zoom — Lawyers in an insurance dispute in Collin County District Court on Monday picked a jury to hear the case by videoconference, in what officials believe is the first virtual jury trial to be held nationally amid the COVID-19 crisis. — Reuters

Commentary: Are virtual trials our future? — Can due process be suspended indefinitely? — Above the Law

Law firm revenue takes nosedive during COVID-19, new survey data shows — The dramatic economic impact of the novel coronavirus on the legal industry has come even as 95% of firms report accepting new clients. — ABA Journal

Court bars emergency release filings for imprisoned ex-judge — On Monday, U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett ordered both the defendant, Rodolfo “Rudy” Delgado, and the government from making additional filings concerning Delgado’s emergency request to be released from federal prison amid the COVID-19 pandemic. — The (McAllen) Monitor

Lawyers prepare for deluge of eviction cases — Leading those efforts is Texas RioGrande Legal Aid and Tenant rights lawyer Christina Trejo, who is the team manager for the community housing rights project at TRLA’s San Antonio office. — San Antonio Business Journal

Law firm told to reduce on-site employees sues for alleged ‘disturbing and gross abuse’ of power — A law firm that continued limited operation during the COVID-19 pandemic sued New York’s governor and attorney general after receiving a cease-and-desist letter telling it to reduce on-site employees. — ABA Journal

Why 2 Houston firms won’t sue health care providers over COVID-19 — Two medical malpractice firms in Houston have announced they will not sue doctors, hospitals or nursing homes over COVID-19 treatment, because, they say, there’s no standard of care yet. (Subscription required) — Texas Lawyer

Covid-19 test data shared with law enforcement — Public health officials in at least two-thirds of U.S. states are sharing the addresses of people who have the coronavirus with first responders. — The Associated Press

Pier 1 Imports to liquidate as soon as it can get its stores open — The Fort Worth-based retailer said it’s shutting down operations after the pandemic dashed any hopes of reorganizing in bankruptcy. — The Dallas Morning News

‘Ready for battle’: Florida lawyer dons Grim Reaper garb to save lives during COVID-19 crisis — Nothing kills a buzz quite like a visit from the Grim Reaper. At least, that’s what Florida lawyer Daniel W. Uhlfelder is hoping. — ABA Journal


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