Randy Sorrels
Editor’s Note: State Bar of Texas President Randy Sorrels sent the following message to members on December 20.
On behalf of the State Bar of Texas, let me wish you a joyous and happy holiday season. I know there is much for each of us to celebrate. Now, let me tell you about three things:
1. Today (Friday, December 20), the State Bar of Texas launches a NEW member benefit with AT&T—an exclusive, limited-time discount that will get you up to $200 off a new smartphone when you switch to AT&T, add a phone line, or upgrade an existing line. This offer can be bundled with many of AT&T’s national offers. You can learn more about the AT&T benefit here and view all of your State Bar of Texas member benefits here.
2. This exclusive discount for Texas lawyers is due in large part to the efforts of AT&T’s Senior Executive Vice President and General Counsel David McAtee. With efforts from State Bar of Texas Chair of the Board Jerry Alexander, great lawyer leaders fashioned a benefit for our members. Thank you David for working with us to make this discount happen, and thank you Jerry for being an impetus for this benefit. It’s a great example of the good that can come from members collaborating with the bar.
3. We know there are other Texas lawyers currently representing clients or working for companies or individuals who have other great products or services from which lawyers can benefit. If you are one of those lawyers, we would love to hear about a mutually beneficial relationship that provides new and useful State Bar member benefits. Call me or email me. I am working through the holidays and welcome your email at rsorrels@awtxlaw.com or your call at 713-222-7211 (office) or 713-582-8005 (cell).
Again, Happy Holidays and wishing you a healthy and fulfilling New Year.
Randy Sorrels