Tag Archives: TYLA

This month in the Texas Bar Journal

This month, the Texas Bar Journal helps you answer some of those "friendly requests for advice" you may encounter at social gatherings in its latest installment of "Party Talk." In addition, you'll find information about the Texas Young Lawyers Association's latest project, Breaking the Silence: A Path to Finding Mental Health.… Continue Reading

2010 Law Day Contest Winners

The State Bar of Texas would like to congratulate the 2010 Law Day contest winners! Download a list of the winners (pdf). The theme for the contest this year was Law in the 21st Century: Enduring Traditions, Emerging Challenges. The first, second, and third-place winners of the statewide contest in each category have been invited to the … Continue Reading

TYLA helps keep kids safe with new video, “R U Safe? Protecting Yourself in Cyberspace”

“R U Safe? Protecting Yourself in Cyberspace” is designed to educate children and their parents about online dangers and give them the tools needed to be safe while online. The DVD was created by the Texas Young Lawyers Association (TYLA) and is available for viewing and downloading at www.tyla.org/rusafe or may be requested by calling 512.427.1529. … Continue Reading

Strong named general counsel of A&M System

On Friday, March 27, the Texas A&M University Board of Regents selected Andrew Strong as general counsel of the Texas A&M System. As general counsel he’ll be responsible for all legal matters affecting the system and provide legal counsel to A&M’s board of regents, chancellor, and CEOs. Strong is a partner in the Houston office … Continue Reading