Check out our editorial staff’s September must-reads for a dive into new laws passed during the 86th Texas Legislature, highlights from this year’s State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting, and a deep dive into mental health issues affecting the practice of law. And don’t forget to read the latest in Movers and Shakers, Memorials, and … Continue Reading
The Texas Access to Justice Commission and Texas Access to Justice Foundation honored Texas Rep. Oscar Longoria with the Texas Access to Justice Legislative Hero Award at a luncheon in Austin on October 18. He was recognized for his contributions during the 85th Texas Legislature. “As an attorney, Rep. Longoria understands that legal aid is … Continue Reading
The Texas House of Representatives adopted a resolution May 28 congratulating Joe K. Longley of Austin on his recent election as 2017-2018 State Bar of Texas president-elect. “… the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate Joe K. Longley on his election as (2018-2019) president of the State Bar of Texas and extend … Continue Reading
Colleagues, friends, and family of former Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Jack Pope Jr. gathered in the Texas House chambers on April 27 to honor the memory of the judicial trailblazer who died in February at the age of 103. State officials read aloud House Resolution 1228—adopted by the House on April 13—which memorializes Pope, … Continue Reading
Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht delivered the State of the Judiciary on February 1 to a joint session of the state legislature, touching on issues including judicial security and compensation, access to justice, electronic records, and the bail system. “As important as it is for courts to be efficient, it is more … Continue Reading
By Kelley Shannon We Texans have a history of straight talk and openness, and our state’s public information laws reflect it. Shining light on our government allows democracy to flourish. As we celebrate that light during national Sunshine Week from March 13-19, let’s be thankful that Texas laws value the public’s right to know through … Continue Reading
Michael Morton, the Williamson County man who was exonerated of his wife’s murder after serving nearly 25 years behind bars, will present the keynote address at the Bar Leaders Recognition Luncheon on June 16 during the State Bar of Texas 2016 Annual Meeting.… Continue Reading
Texas Bar TV recaps the November 16, 2015, New Lawyers Induction Ceremony in a new segment available here. Following the 84th Texas Legislature’s passage of SB 534—which added to the lawyer’s oath a pledge to advance civility and integrity—the State Bar invited all practicing attorneys to come to Austin to recite the new oath with … Continue Reading
On the morning of November 16, the State Bar of Texas will congratulate and administer the oath of office to hundreds of incoming attorneys at the New Lawyer Induction Ceremony, held at the Frank Erwin Center in Austin at 10 a.m. Almost 2,000 test-takers passed the July 2015 Texas Bar Exam and are eligible to … Continue Reading
Michael Morton-subject of magazine profiles, focus of an acclaimed documentary, author of an upcoming memoir-is by many measures a celebrity. It's a label he doesn't relish, especially in light of the reason so many people know his name, Morton recently told an audience of San Antonio defense lawyers.… Continue Reading
The Texas Access to Justice Commission and Texas Access to Justice Foundation hosted a news conference yesterday at the Texas State Capitol to emphasize the ongoing funding crisis in the Texas legal aid system.… Continue Reading