Tag Archives: social networking

The Tweet Smell of Success: Social Media Clauses in Sports & Entertainment Contracts

Once upon a time, if you mentioned the topics of "social media" and "contract clauses" in the same sentence to entertainment industry big shots, they would associate it with a way to limit entertainers from discussing their projects on social networking platforms. But fast forward a few years to 2013, and now studios, agents, and talent in the entertainment and sports realms regularly sit down to negotiate how much social media activity the actor or athlete will be required to engage in. What accounts for the change in attitude?… Continue Reading

A Milestone for the State Bar’s Social Network

In May, Bill Medaille of Austin became the 10,000th Texas lawyer to register for Texas Bar Circle, our social and professional network for State Bar of Texas members. Since then, 800 more lawyers have joined the ranks. We’re recognizing user 10,000 because he met a goal of the 2008-2009 State Bar Web Services Committee, which … Continue Reading

Austin lawyer an elite Yelper

Michelle Cheng is one of Austin’s most prolific Yelpers. Yelp.com describes its free service as "real reviews by real people." Michelle has written 501 reviews of restaurants and other businesses, leading her cohorts on Yelp to call her "legendary" and earning her an elusive "Yelp Elite" status for three years running. "Yelp.com gives me an … Continue Reading