Tag Archives: Hurricane Harvey

State Bar receives national award for improving legal services to low-income Texans

The State Bar of Texas was presented a prestigious 2018 Harrison Tweed Award on August 3 at the American Bar Association Annual Meeting in Chicago. The Harrison Tweed Award recognizes bar associations that have made extraordinary efforts to improve the availability of civil legal services or indigent defense services to people living in poverty. Named … Continue Reading

SBOT Litigation Section grant helps Houston Volunteer Lawyers assist low-income households after Hurricane Harvey

The Litigation Section of the State Bar of Texas has awarded a $25,000 grant to support Houston Volunteer Lawyers’ efforts to provide legal representation to low-income households who have a legal issue caused by Hurricane Harvey and who cannot afford an attorney, particularly in cases that involve litigation. According to a news release, Houston Volunteer … Continue Reading

Texas Bar Journal Must-Reads for April

Check out our editorial staff’s must-reads for the April issue: interviews with the State Bar of Texas president-elect candidates, Harvey’s impact on the Gulf Coast’s petroleum industry, and new changes attorneys should know about live chat. Don’t forget to catch up on Movers and Shakers, Memorials, and Disciplinary Actions.… Continue Reading

UPDATE: Texas Supreme Court adds, amends Harvey-related orders

Update (2/26/2018): The Supreme Court of Texas has extended the order permitting out-of-state lawyers to practice temporarily in Texas through August 31. Read the amended order here. Original post (8/30/2017) Editor’s Note: The Texas Supreme Court issued the following advisory Wednesday regarding its emergency orders related to Hurricane Harvey. The Texas Supreme Court has amended orders … Continue Reading

Texas prosecutors and county attorneys help Harvey-ravaged colleagues

In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, the Texas District & County Attorneys Foundation created a relief fund and asked people to donate to help their struggling peers. As a result, this week the foundation gifted $1,000 per person to 40 prosecutors, investigators, and administrative staff in eight South Texas counties. “We know this is not … Continue Reading

New TLAP video focuses on PTSD after Hurricane Harvey

A new video from the Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program, featuring TLAP Director Bree Buchanan and Austin psychiatrist Robert Cantu, focuses on identifying post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, after Hurricane Harvey. In The Trauma of Harvey: Identifying PTSD in Yourself and Others, Buchanan and Cantu discuss the symptoms of and treatment for PTSD after a natural … Continue Reading

Texas Bar Journal Must-Reads for November

Can’t wait until the Texas Bar Journal arrives in the mail? Get a head start on the November issue online at texasbar.com/tbj. Our editorial staff’s must-reads include lessons from the basketball court to improve attorney performance, insights from veterans on living with PTS, post Hurricane Harvey FAQs, and humor from the judge’s daughter. Don’t forget … Continue Reading

Barratry PSA clarification

The State Bar of Texas promoted a PSA about barratry on this blog and on Texasbar.com in late August that included incomplete information about barratry or improper solicitation. The video was removed and the website was updated with additional information on September 8. In many cases it is a crime in Texas for a lawyer … Continue Reading

Texas Bar College and Texas Bar College Endowment Fund make $20,000 donation to legal assistance programs

The Texas Bar College, with assistance from the Texas Bar College Endowment Fund, donated $10,000 to both the Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program and Lone Star Legal Aid to assist with post-Hurricane Harvey needs. “The Texas Bar College board unanimously approved the donation to assist these two organizations in recovery efforts and all the victims of … Continue Reading

Texas Bar Journal must-reads for October

Limited time? Go online to read the October issue of the Texas Bar Journal.Check out our editorial staff’s must-reads: attorneys helping victims of Hurricane Harvey, highlights from the 85th Legislature’s special session, a day in the life of an immigration attorney, and how immigration law overlaps with other practice areas. Don’t forget to read Movers … Continue Reading

Update from State Bar President Tom Vick

Editor’s note: State Bar President Tom Vick sent the following update to members on Friday.  I’m writing to further update you on the State Bar’s recent board meeting in Lubbock and a change to the guidelines for the 2018 election for president-elect. I reported last Friday on our board’s vote to elect Trey Apffel of … Continue Reading

SBOT, ABA presidents visit Houston to promote free legal services offered in Harvey recovery

  American Bar Association President Hilarie Bass met with State Bar of Texas President Tom Vick and Houston Bar Association President Alistair Dawson, among other local leaders, as they visited a volunteer-run legal clinic and disaster relief training seminar on Monday. Bass’ trip to Houston promoted free services offered by legal aid agencies, local bars … Continue Reading

Funding your post-Harvey rebuild

With Hurricane Harvey finally gone and the floodwaters slowly beginning to recede, the magnitude of damage left behind becomes more apparent every day. Fortunately, Houston is one of the most resilient cities in the United States, and optimism can be found on every corner. Neighbors are helping neighbors rip out drywall, deliver supplies, and pull … Continue Reading