The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program, an initiative of the Dallas Bar Association and Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, is hosting 11 free legal clinics for county residents who meet financial guidelines. The clinics, which will be held throughout February, will offer legal advice and consultation in civil matters. Applicants are asked to bring proof of … Continue Reading
As the nation prepares to honor its veterans this Wednesday, the Texas Access to Justice Foundation is encouraging veterans and attorneys to participate in the second annual Texas Veterans Legal Aid Week. Today through Friday, veterans who meet certain income requirements can get civil legal advice at dozens of events hosted by legal aid organizations, … Continue Reading
Legal professionals will speak on grand juries, policing, use of force, and civil rights, among other topics, during a CLE event at the University of Houston Law Center this Friday. The program is part of a free series of CLE for alumni and is open to other attorneys in the greater Houston area. Attendees will … Continue Reading
As part of its "Texas Trailblazer" series, North Texas public television station KERA-TV will feature two veteran Texas attorneys, Harold Barefoot Sanders and Louise Raggio, and journalist Vivian Castleberry. All three Texans were chosen for their active role in and impact on civil rights and women’s rights not only in Texas, but also the country. Harold … Continue Reading
In 2004, a little-known, yet landmark, legal case was celebrated. Fifty years before, Pete Hernandez v. State of Texas set legal precedent when it was ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court that Mexican Americans and all other racial groups were protected under the 14th Amendment. Before the case, Mexican Americans were considered white, and therefore, were … Continue Reading