The State Bar of Texas reminds the public that in many cases it is a crime in Texas for a lawyer or someone representing a lawyer to contact a person for purposes of legal representation if the person has not first requested the call or personal visit. The contact is not illegal if the attorney … Continue Reading
The State Bar of Texas seeks to remind the public that in many cases it is a crime in Texas for a lawyer or someone representing a lawyer to contact a person for purposes of legal representation if the person has not first requested the call or personal visit. The contact is not illegal if … Continue Reading
The State Bar of Texas promoted a PSA about barratry on this blog and on in late August that included incomplete information about barratry or improper solicitation. The video was removed and the website was updated with additional information on September 8. In many cases it is a crime in Texas for a lawyer … Continue Reading
By G. Thomas Vick Jr. When disasters like Hurricane Harvey strike Texas, the State Bar of Texas serves as a hub of legal and recovery-related resources for Texans and Texas lawyers (visit First, the State Bar operates a legal hotline—(800) 504-7030—that helps people find answers to basic legal questions and locate recovery resources in … Continue Reading