Giving the keynote presentation on June 26, 2014, at the State Bar of Texas Bar Leaders Recognition Luncheon at the bar’s Annual Meeting in Austin, former director of the National Security Agency Bobby Ray Inman spoke to the audience about numerous security threats around the world. Among the most serious, he noted weapons of mass … Continue Reading
Experts in law and media will discuss the right to privacy in the age of "big data" and the dangers of not reading online agreements at the State Bar of Texas 2014 Open Government Seminar.… Continue Reading
As the State Bar of Texas celebrates the Civil Rights Act's 50th anniversary during its 2014 Annual Meeting, consider this reading list to help you learn more about the law and its legacy.… Continue Reading
The LBJ Presidential Library Civil Rights Summit wrapped up Thursday after three days of panel discussions and speeches about the history and future of civil rights. The Texas Bar Blog covered many of the activities, and you can find links to those stories below.… Continue Reading
University of Texas historian Jeremi Suri will discuss the worldwide effects of the Civil Rights Act at the 2014 State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting in Austin.… Continue Reading
The State Bar of Texas today is pleased to announce additional keynote speakers for its 2014 Annual Meeting in Austin, which will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.… Continue Reading
Retired U.S. Navy Admiral Bobby R. Inman, a former National Security Agency director, has accepted an invitation to speak at the 2014 State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting in Austin.… Continue Reading
According to Board policy, resolutions must be filed at the Texas Law Center by 5 p.m. April 1, 2013, to be considered at the Annual Meeting in Dallas, June 20-21, 2013.… Continue Reading
Presentation of awards honoring exceptional service to the public and the legal profession will be a highlight of the State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting, to be held June 23-24 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center… Continue Reading
Four distinguished law school deans held a lively discussion about the future of law school education before a capacity crowd Thursday at the State Bar Annual Meeting. Roger Cossack – who is participating in his eighth consecutive Annual Meeting! – moderated the debate, which was part of the Future of the Profession CLE. The panel … Continue Reading
Professor Richard Beeman, author of Plain, Honest Men: The Making of the American Constitution, spoke on his book before a packed audience Thursday afternoon at the State Bar Annual Meeting that included several current and former State Bar leaders, such as 2007-08 President Gib Walton, as well as Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson and Justice Harriet … Continue Reading
During his presentation this morning at the State Bar Annual Meeting in Dallas, Roger Cossack, the legal analyst for ESPN and an Annual Meeting regular, said he learned how to be quick with a quip while working for CNN and ESPN. That skill came in handy this morning when a DVD — the A/V portion … Continue Reading