The Professional Ethics Committee for the State Bar of Texas is accepting public comments on the following proposed ethics opinions:

Proposed Opinion 2024-2 (comment deadline 8/12/2024):

(1) May a lawyer accept payment from a private company for providing pre-recorded educational presentations or livestreamed Q&A sessions on general legal topics, which the private company markets to the public?

(2) During a livestreamed Q&A session, may the lawyer answer an audience member’s questions about specific fact situations?

(3) May the lawyer agree to represent an audience member who contacts the lawyer after viewing a pre-recorded or livestreamed Q&A presentation?

Proposed Opinion 2024-3 (comment deadline 8/13/2024): May in-house counsel for a company owned by non-lawyers provide legal services to customers of the company if the company only charges the customers the actual costs associated with the in-house counsel’s legal services?

Go here to read the proposed opinions and provide comments.