Hunton Andrews Kurth announced that 100% of its full-time U.S. attorneys participated in pro bono projects in 2022-2023.

“Our steadfast commitment to 100% participation in pro bono activities reflects the firm’s overall mission to support the communities in which we live and work,” Managing Partner Sam Danon said in a press release. “We believe a whole-firm approach with our pro bono work is critical in making a difference and providing legal support to the communities around us.”

Over the fiscal year, more than 800 of the firm’s U.S.-based attorneys clocked 46,494 pro bono hours to add to 13 consecutive years of 100% firm-wide participation.

Over 200 lawyers from Austin, Dallas, and Houston completed about 9,000 hours of volunteer work. Attorneys helped in several areas of law, including immigration law, small business and nonprofit law, family law, real estate law, animal rights law, wills and estates, housing law, veterans law, environmental law, disability law, and restoration of rights/expungement.

Several of the Texas-based pro bono leaders were recognized for their pro bono work. Dallas-based partner Fawaz Bham received the Young Lawyer Pro Bono Service Award from the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers. Houston-based associate Brandon Bell was recognized with a Volunteer Spotlight from the Houston Volunteer Lawyers. Other recognized leadership include Austin-based partner Scott Brister and Houston-based partners Jared Grodin and Neil Kelly.

Key partner organizations in Texas include the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program and Houston Volunteer Lawyers.