State Bar of Texas staff members accept a 2022 Luminary Award for Excellence in PR/Marketing/Social Media Campaigns from the National Association of Bar Executives Communications Section. Pictured, from left, are Texas Bar Journal Associate Editor Eric Quitugua, SBOT Communications Director Lowell Brown, Texas Bar Journal Managing Editor Patricia McConnico, SBOT Digital Content Specialist Geoffrey Hinkson, and SBOT Public Affairs Director Bambi Hall.
The State Bar of Texas received a national award for communications related to its 2022 elections.
The National Association of Bar Executives Communications Section on September 23 awarded the State Bar of Texas a 2022 Luminary Award for Excellence in PR/Marketing/Social Media Campaigns in the large bar category.
The State Bar deployed a multimedia campaign to promote participation in the 2022 bar elections. Voting took place from April 1 to May 2 and included races for State Bar of Texas and Texas Young Lawyers Association presidents-elect and district directors.
The campaign emphasized the importance of Texas lawyers’ unique system of self-governance and included design of a logo, articles and advertisements in the Texas Bar Journal, mass email messages, website and social media content, and two virtual candidate forums, including a forum recorded as an episode of the State Bar of Texas Podcast.