Austin lawyer Claude Ducloux is the winner of the 2022 Pat Nester Innovation in Professional Development Award. Ducloux will receive the award in July at TexasBarCLE’s Advanced Personal Injury Law Course in San Antonio.
Ducloux was chosen because he supports innovation in professional development by ensuring attorneys in Texas, and throughout the nation, know how to implement and ethically use new programs and computer-based technologies in their practice. In addition to presenting 514 CLE trainings in the past six years, Ducloux was also a co-creator of the State Bar of Texas Advanced Trial Strategies Course. Designed for the experienced practitioner, this course provides unique opportunities to interact with experts on the most crucial issues litigators face daily. Ducloux has been actively involved in the program since its creation and served as course director again this year.
The State Bar of Texas Continuing Legal Education Committee established the award in 2017 to recognize individuals whose innovative contributions have substantially advanced continuing legal education in Texas. The award is named for the former director of the Professional Development Program (now TexasBarCLE), who during his service from 1986 to 2016 made considerable innovations, including bringing CLE in Texas into the internet age.
Prior recipients of the award are: Patrick A. Nester, Gary L. Nickelson, Scott Rothenberg, Peter S. Vogel, and the Hon. Xavier Rodriguez.