The Dallas Bar Association will hold LegalLine E-Clinics from 4 to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays in September. Volunteer attorneys will answer legal questions at no cost.

To participate, fill out the online form for the upcoming LegalLine. LegalLine E-Clinics will be held on September 1, September 8, September 15, September 22, and September 29. A volunteer attorney will call to provide up to 15 minutes of free legal advice on a legal issue. Space is limited and registration closes at noon on the Tuesday prior to the clinic.

Volunteer attorneys will remain anonymous, and participants should watch for a call from an unknown number that should be labeled as “No Caller ID” or something similar. No client-attorney relationship will be established. There is no guarantee that the attorney will speak any language other than English.

For more about the Dallas Bar Association, go to