Aaron Z. Tobin, a trial attorney and named partner in Condon Tobin Sladek Thornton Nerenberg, has been elected Dallas Bar Association president for 2021.

Tobin will be inaugurated as the Dallas Bar’s 112th president in January.

He joined the Dallas Bar Association Board of Directors in 2012 and served as chair of the board in 2017. Tobin has served as chair of numerous Dallas Bar Association committees, including the Finance Committee, Morris Harrell Professionalism Committee, Public Forum Committee, and Bench Bar Committee. He also served as co-chair of the 2012-2013 Campaign for Equal Access to Justice.

Tobin is a Dallas Bar Foundation and Texas Bar Foundation fellow and a Dallas Association of Young Lawyers Foundation life fellow.

Other officers serving on the board include Kristina “Krisi” Kastl, of Kastl Law (president-elect); Cheryl Camin Murray, of Katten Muchin Roseman (vice president); Bill Mateja, of Sheppard Mullin (second vice president); Ebony Rivon, of Rivon Law Firm (secretary/treasurer); and Robert Tobey, of Johnston Tobey Baruch (immediate past president).

For more information about the Dallas Bar Association, go to dallasbarg.org.