The Texas Young Lawyers Association will launch its newest podcast, Practice Areas: 101 Podcast, on October 8.
Every other week young lawyers from across Texas will discuss “what type of law do you practice?” Topics of discussions each week will include the various aspects of the practice area, including “war stories” and words of advice for law students.
The first podcast episode will be centered around family law and will be hosted by Cali Franks, of Bocell Ridley in Dallas, with featured guests TYLA President Britney Harrison, of Goranson Bain Ausley in Dallas, and David R. Henry, of the Law Office of Susanne Bonilla Harrold in Corpus Christi.
Other upcoming podcasts will feature criminal law, in-house counsel, and entertainment law.
Podcasts will be available for download at Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Spotify.
If you are interested in being featured on the podcast, contact Cali Franks at