Accepting the ABA Partnership Award for the Texas Minority Counsel Program, from left, are 2017 TMCP Steering Committee co-chair Jesús Castillón, State Bar of Texas Executive Director Michelle Hunter, State Bar of Texas Office of Minority Affairs director Caren Cheavens, State Bar of Texas President Tom Vick, 2017 TMCP Steering Committee co-chair Aparna Dave, and State Bar of Texas Immediate Past President Frank Stevenson.
The State Bar of Texas today received a national award for one of its signature efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in the legal profession.
The Texas Minority Counsel Program (TMCP) received one of three ABA Partnership Awards during an awards ceremony held in conjunction with the American Bar Association Annual Meeting in New York. The ABA Partnership Awards Program salutes bar association projects directed at increasing the participation and advancement of diverse lawyers.
Read the full news release here.