Two young attorney cancer survivors have joined forces with the Austin Bar Association and Austin Bar Foundation to create a free cancer legal clinic.

The mission of the clinic—dubbed CANLAW—is to offer free estate planning services to those affected by cancer and their families, the Austin Bar Association announced in a press release.

“Given my good fortune in finding my cancer early while so many others did not, I had a deep desire to give back to the cancer community,” Austin attorney and cancer survivor Caitlin Haney Johnston said in the release. “I had estate planning experience, so I decided the best way to help was to share my legal knowledge with others.”

Haney Johnston and Randy Cubriel, a fellow attorney and cancer survivor, are spearheading the clinic with backing from the bar association and foundation.

austin-bar-logo-markThe first clinic will be April 22 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Southeast Health and Wellness Center at 290 Montopolis Dr. in Austin and is open to all types of cancer survivors, regardless of their type or stage of cancer, whether or not they are still in active treatment, or if they are in remission.

Volunteer attorneys will meet with attendees, who will leave with a properly drafted and executed medical power of attorney, statutory durable power of attorney, HIPPA release, health care directive, and last will and testament.

For more information about becoming a client or volunteering and to fill out a questionnaire prior to attending, go to or email