The 27th Annual Texas Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (TLCL) Convention will be held June 3-5 at the Westin Houston Memorial City in Houston.

The conference will feature nationally acclaimed speakers on 12-step recovery along with topics pertaining to professional burnout, peer support, cross addiction, spirituality in recovery, and practicing principles of recovery in the practice of law.

Registration is open and members are encouraged to take advantage of the early bird rate of $225 before May 2. This price includes the cost of CLE programming (last year 8 hours of ethics CLE was approved and organizers expect the number of hours this year to be comparable), a Friday night ice cream social, a Saturday night banquet, a Sunday brunch, access to the hospitality suite, and early morning yoga. Scholarships are available.

All registration forms should be completed and mailed to TLCL Convention, C/O Sara Dysart, 112 E. Pecan St., Suite 3050, San Antonio, TX 78205.

Hotel rooms are available at the reduced rate of $109 (includes free Internet and reduced parking fee) until May 14. To reserve your room, click here.

TLCL is a volunteer group for lawyers in recovery and works in partnership with the Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program (TLAP) of the State Bar of Texas.

For more information on the 2016 Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers Convention, call TLAP at (800) 343-8527.