It’s not every day that attorneys get a chance to tape their firm’s top officials to a wall.
But on April 21, employees at Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr in Austin, Houston, and Dallas did just that.
At the fundraiser—dubbed Sticky Fly—Dallas office CEO Phil Appenzeller, Austin shareholder David Mattka, and Houston shareholder Mitch McFarland balanced on stools or chairs up against a wall as employees stuck purchased pieces of colorful duct tape on them to get them to stay glued to the wall once the stool was removed.
Through the fundraiser, participation in Justice for All Jeans Day, and individual attorney contributions, the firm raised about $7,000, which will help fund legal services for disadvantaged communities across the state through the Texas Access to Justice Commission, a firm spokeswoman told the Texas Bar Blog.
The goal was for the men to remain off the ground for half an hour, but sadly, their wall-flights only lasted a few minutes.
Mattka in the Austin office reigned supreme, clocking in at four minutes and nine seconds, while McFarland got two minutes and Appenzeller just 45 seconds.
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