The Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program, or TLAP, is reminding Texas attorneys struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues that recovery is possible.

Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 4.54.22 PMIn a new video, “Courage, Hope, Help—TLAP is There,” Texas attorneys share their personal journeys from despair to productive and fulfilling lives as they sought help for substance abuse.

The video is an initiative of 2015-2016 State Bar President Allan K. DuBois, a San Antonio solo practitioner who has made attorney wellness a top priority of his term. DuBois is a vocal supporter of TLAP, which he credits for helping him recover from alcohol dependence more than two decades ago.

“When they asked me what my initiatives were, I said I’d like to do something I know,” DuBois said. “I know there’s recovery. I know there’s help. I know there’s hope.”

The nearly 20-minute video includes interviews with Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht, Texas Center for Legal Ethics Executive Director Jonathan Smaby, former Texas Bar College Chair Veronica Jacobs, and others on the important work performed by TLAP and the Patrick Sheeran and Michael J. Crowley Memorial Trust, which helps attorneys pay for treatment they otherwise could not afford.

The State Bar of Texas Board of Directors approved a $250,000 donation to the trust in the current budget to support this important work. The Texas Bar College and Texas Center for Legal Ethics each pledged $30,000, and DuBois continues to seek donations from groups and individuals.

“I can’t tell you how important it is for me to present this message of hope to Texas attorneys,” DuBois said. “We’re in the hope business, and once we deliver that hope, we must make the resources available to make good on the promise that TLAP is there, and recovery is possible.”

TLAP offers confidential help for lawyers, law students, and judges whose professional performance is impaired because of substance abuse or mental health issues.

Help from TLAP is available anytime by calling (800) 343-8527. To view the video, visit