The Law Practice Management Committee of the State Bar of Texas has launched a website, available at, that features the popular how-to brochures used by solo and small firm practitioners. While much of this content previously was available through the TexasBarCLE website, the LPM website serves as its new home and gathers other relevant material from additional departments within the State Bar.
Attorneys looking to learn about practice management will appreciate the website’s streamlined organization and focus on material relevant to just this topic. Users can navigate the site based on which of the three categories they fall under: starting a practice, maintaining a practice, or looking to grow a practice. The site provides easy access to downloadable and printable resources produced by the committee, including the how-to brochures and the Closing a Practice collection of recently written and peer-reviewed articles. There are also links to LPM-related CLE, State Bar publications, and the Texas Young Lawyers Association’s 10-Minute Mentor video series.
The LPM Committee and TexasBarBooks have designed the new website with Texas attorneys in mind. “We field calls and emails from State Bar members facing issues about law practice management,” said Conor Jensen, web content specialist for TexasBarBooks, which serves as the State Bar’s liaison to the committee. “Usually, more than one attorney is facing a similar set of questions, so we have the advantage of knowing what issues are coming up specifically for Texas attorneys.”
For more information, go to (The LPM website also can be accessed through the TexasBarCLE website,, by clicking “Law Practice Mgmt” in the left-hand menu.)