What does “property” mean in the 21st Century? Is property something you can touch or, in the tech age, is property an idea? Can the framework for human life be considered “property?” This month’s issue of the Texas Bar Journal looks at what “property” means today and how that is shaping the law.
Legal Articles — Cultural Property: Who Owns It and What Laws Protect It? by Professor Marilyn E. Phelan; Music, Lyrics, and Copyright: Intellectual Property Rights in Music by David Showalter; America’s Most Mysterious Gold Coins by Steve Roach; One Bad App Spoils the Bunch: Brand Protection in the App Era by David Bell and Hope Hughes; and Avoiding a Science Fiction Soap Opera: Excluding the Pre-Embryos from Probate by Bridget M. Fuselier.
Profile — Texas lawyers take their passions seriously, as you’ll see from a story about Larry Macon, a San Antonio lawyer who holds the world record for most marathons run in a single year.