Justice Eva Guzman, the first Latina to serve on the Texas Supreme Court, celebrated her formal investiture on Monday, January 11. The ceremony took place in the Texas House of Representatives Chamber, in front of an audience filled with Guzman’s colleagues, friends, and family. Governor Rick Perry administered the oath of office, praising Guzman’s “consistent fairness and wisdom” and “strict constructionist view of the Constitution.” After Senior Justice Nathan Hecht paid tribute to departing justice Scott Brister, U.S. Senator John Cornyn and Justice Kem Thompson Frost spoke about Guzman’s dedication to the law and the historic nature of the occasion. Guzman, formerly a justice on the 14th District Court of Appeals in Houston, thanked the governor for this opportunity, saying “For this day, I have prayed, I have dreamed, and I have worked.”
Posted inJudiciary