Here are the official winners of the 2008-2009 State Bar YouTube Contest, "Ideals That Unite Us," in which State Bar President Harper Estes invited all Texans to contemplate the ideals that unite us as citizens of this country.
In the Over 18 category, the winner is Gabriel Evans‘ video, "Memories Unite Us:"
In the Under 18 category, winners for the second year in a row, the Chaumette brothers, Raphael and Alexandre, won with their video "Ideals: Every Citizen Counts!"
And the winner of the People’s Choice Award is Manuel Hernandez‘s "Ideals That Unite Us – Raising the Bar for Justice:"
All entries were evaluated by a panel of judges to determine the winners of the Over 18 and Under 18 categories. The People’s Choice winner was determined by the video that received the most views on YouTube.
Evans and Hernandez will receive $2,500 cash prizes for winning in the Over 18 and People’s Choice categories. And the Chaumette brothers will receive a $2,500 scholarship for winning in the Under 18 category.
All winners have been invited to attend a red carpet awards ceremony to be held in conjunction with next week’s State Bar board meeting in Fort Worth.
Many thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s contest. We will announce the theme of the 2009-2010 State Bar YouTube Contest later this year, so stay tuned!