The State Bar of Texas has launched a new technology page with information and links to resources attorneys need to navigate the intersection of technology and the law. The page,, offers links to informational videos, online resources from TexasBarCLE, technology articles from the Texas Bar Journal, law practice management resources, a link to a … Continue Reading
Editor’s Note: The State Bar of Texas is providing a daily collection of important links, blog posts, and media stories to keep its members and the public informed of the latest news and resources related to Hurricane Harvey relief and recovery efforts. Important Harvey Links If you are an attorney who has been adversely affected or … Continue Reading
As part of State Bar President Bob Black's initiative on civics education, the State Bar Law-Related Education Department debuts a new online resource for Texas students and teachers -- Oyez, Oyez, Oh Yay! Civics Resources for Texas Students and Teachers. In addition, the many aspects of school law are examined in this month's issue of the Texas Bar Journal, including the high-profile issue of school finance.… Continue Reading