The Dallas Bar Association will host a Texas Day of Civility and Professionalism with a half-day seminar at the Belo Mansion in downtown Dallas. The day was created to reaffirm the Texas Lawyer’s Creed, which calls for attorneys to conduct themselves with courtesy and professionalism toward judges, adversaries, peers, colleagues, and clients.… Continue Reading
The State Bar of Texas Board of Directors voted January 26 to approve Lisa Blue of Dallas and Randy Sorrels of Houston as candidates for president-elect in the 2018 election. There are currently no additional president-elect candidates, although members have until March 1 to run as a petition candidate by submitting a petition signed by … Continue Reading
Lawyers and judges in the Dallas legal community will reaffirm their commitment to civility and professionalism during a new program next month. The Day of Civility and Professionalism, which will be observed in all Dallas state and federal courts, on September 9 aims to encourage attorneys and those serving in the judiciary to reemphasize their … Continue Reading
Texas Bar College will honor members with three major awards to be presented at 2 p.m. on July 15 at the 18th Annual Texas Bar College Summer School Course at the Moody Gardens Hotel in Galveston. The Jim Bowmer Professionalism Award given annually to an outstanding Bar College member based on achievement or contribution to professionalism … Continue Reading
Chief Judge Carl E. Stewart of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals presented the new Barbara Jordan American Inn of Court with its charter at the federal courthouse in Austin on April 14. Stewart, president of the American Inns of Court Board of Trustees, spoke of the important role that inns of court play … Continue Reading
Knowledge is indivisible. When people grow wise in one direction, they are sure to make it easier for themselves to grow wise in other directions as well.” —Isaac Asimov, author This is why I want to join the Texas Bar College—to grow, to be a better and more capable attorney. The issue I run into … Continue Reading
We get that Texas attorneys are busy, and some might find little time to read every issue of the Bar Journal from front-to-back. So our editorial staff has made it easier.… Continue Reading
The Professionalism Committee of the State Bar of Texas has joined with Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht for a video on the importance of mentoring and professionalism — and to promote the Transition to Practice program. The program matches newly licensed lawyers with experienced attorneys who volunteer their time and experience to … Continue Reading
By Stuart D. Colburn This month marks the 25th anniversary of the Texas Lawyer’s Creed, so it seems fitting to take a moment or two to pause and reflect on what it means to be an attorney—how we work, interact with colleagues and clients, and uphold the rule of law. In a profession as honorable … Continue Reading
On May 29, 2014, the Dallas Bar Association will host its annual Law Student Professionalism Program to educate future attorneys on embodying the ideals of the Texas Lawyer’s Creed and the Guidelines of Professional Courtesy. “Both future and practicing lawyers face the same issue,” said Kathryne Morris, an associate at Strasburger and Price and co-vice … Continue Reading
Public education hearings on proposed amendments to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct began August 30 and will continue statewide.… Continue Reading
Happy Birthday to the Texas Lawyer’s Creed! The Creed contains principles for civility and courtesy between lawyers and honesty in statements to judges and lawyers and was promulgated in 1989 by both the Supreme Court of Texas and Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. On Thursday, Nov. 5, two former justices of the Texas Supreme Court … Continue Reading