Tag Archives: pro bono

Dallas volunteer attorneys host free small business legal clinic

The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program (DVAP) will hold a free small business legal clinic this month for Dallas County residents who meet certain financial guidelines. The clinic, which will be held at 5 p.m. Jan. 19 at Grace United Methodist Church, 4105 Junius St. in Dallas, will assist residents with legal counsel on starting and organizing … Continue Reading

Houston legal community raises $725K for pro bono

The Houston legal community raised more than $725,000 for pro bono at its annual fall event this month. The 67th Harvest Celebration—the largest fundraising event sponsored by the Houston Bar Association, Houston Bar Foundation, and Houston Bar Association Auxiliary—supports the Houston Volunteer Lawyers, a project that provides free legal services for veterans, the elderly, those … Continue Reading

Dallas volunteer attorneys host free expunction clinic

The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program will hold a free expunction and non-disclosure clinic for Dallas County residents who meet certain financial guidelines at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15, at the West Dallas Multi-Purpose Community Center, 2828 Fish Trap Road. Volunteer attorneys will answer questions and provide free legal assistance to low-income Dallas County residents. An … Continue Reading

Tarrant County Bar celebrates pro bono with annual luncheon

The Tarrant County Bar Foundation celebrated pro bono efforts and raised money to improve access to justice at its annual luncheon this month. The Advocates for Justice Luncheon October 13 in Fort Worth benefited the foundation’s pro bono and community service programs and recognized the work of LegalLine, Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans—Tarrant County Chapter, … Continue Reading

Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program honors pro bono work

The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program recognized the work of legal professionals who dedicated nearly 36,000 hours of free legal service over the past year. The program—a joint initiative of the Dallas Bar Association and Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas—hosted its 34th Annual Pro Bono Awards Reception Tuesday, where judges, attorneys, law firms, court reporters, and … Continue Reading

Texas Access to Justice Commission honors law firms, attorneys for supporting legal aid

Several law firms and attorneys were honored at a Texas Access to Justice Commission reception Monday for their commitment to supporting legal aid. The event was held in conjunction with Celebrate Pro Bono Week, a national program that highlights the importance of expanding access to justice through free legal help.… Continue Reading

DVAP celebrates pro bono week with events, clinic, awards

The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program is holding a weeklong pro bono celebration with several continuing legal education classes, a free volunteer legal clinic, and other events. National Celebrate Pro Bono Week runs Oct. 23-29. The Dallas events are part of an effort to meet the ever-growing needs of the country’s most vulnerable citizens by encouraging … Continue Reading

Dallas volunteer attorneys hold 11 free legal clinics in October

The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program (DVAP) will hold 11 free legal clinics in October, providing consultation in civil matters to Dallas County residents who meet certain financial guidelines. Applicants are asked to bring proof of income, identification, and legal papers with them to the clinic. Schedules and locations are as follows: Veterans Resource Center (for veterans and their … Continue Reading

Texas Bar Journal must-reads for October

Don’t have time to read through the whole October issue of the Texas Bar Journal? We’ve got you covered. After you’ve scanned the Memorials, Disciplinary Actions, and Movers and Shakers, check out our editors’ four must-reads picks from the Civil Litigation issue. President’s Opinion: “If Not Higher” State Bar president shares pro bono success stories … Continue Reading

Dallas volunteer attorneys host 11 free legal clinics in September

The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program (DVAP) will hold 11 free legal clinics in September, providing consultation in civil matters to Dallas County residents who meet certain financial guidelines. Applicants are asked to bring proof of income, identification, and legal papers with them to the clinic. Schedules and locations are as follows:… Continue Reading

Baylor Law School hosting clinic to help young lawyers open firms

Young lawyers interested in opening their own law firms can get useful guidance at a two-day workshop at Baylor Law School August 18-19. Legal Mapmaker™, sponsored by Baylor Law School in collaboration with other law schools and the State Bar of Texas, aims to equip new lawyers with the tools to start practices that provide … Continue Reading