As Austin grows larger—and less diverse in some respects—what is happening to the makeup of the city’s law firms? According to a report released August 9, some firms increased their hiring, retention, and promotion of attorneys of diverse races, genders, and sexual orientations during 2015. The Austin Law Firm Diversity Report Card grades each firm … Continue Reading
Speaking at a CLE hosted by the Austin LGBT Bar Association, Sanford Levinson—a professor of constitutional law and government at the University of Texas—said that it was clear as early as 2003’s Lawrence v. Texas which way the U.S. Supreme Court would rule on same-sex marriage and that the 2013 Windsor decision only made this … Continue Reading
As Houston lawyer Phyllis R. Frye (pictured) describes it, she’s “had more than [her] 15 minutes of fame, enjoyed it, and handled it well.” Still, she says she is honored and surprised that Texas A&M University has named the Phyllis Frye Advocacy Award after her. Its first recipient is Dr. James Rosenheim, who will be … Continue Reading