This SXSW panel began with an exercise. Shutoff your phones, plant your feet flat on the floor, loosen up your shoulders, and keep your hands down at your sides, panelist Emily Doskow, a mediator from the San Francisco Bay Area, told the audience. We were about to meditate. For two minutes, the entire room was … Continue Reading
Bree Buchanan, director of the Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program, was honored for her research and outreach on mental health and substance abuse disorders within the legal profession. Buchanan, who is co-chair of the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being and co-authored the task force’s report, “The Path to Lawyer Well-Being: Practical Recommendations for Positive Change,” … Continue Reading
A groundbreaking 2016 study on substance abuse and mental health problems among licensed attorneys is a call to action and a reminder that more must be done to remove the stigma that keeps people from seeking help. That was the message from panelists August 5 at a session during the National Conference of Bar Presidents … Continue Reading