Several legal services organizations are sponsoring a free online CLE to teach Texas attorneys how to assist with FEMA appeals. The program, FEMA Appeals 101: How to do a Common FEMA Appeal, will take place at noon on April 9 via Zoom. It is designed for pro bono attorneys interested in helping those affected by … Continue Reading
The Houston Bar Association and related organizations are offering legal resources and services to address the needs of those affected byWinter Storm Uri. Available are pro bono legal services, dispute resolution, and qualified legal counsel.… Continue Reading
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, the State Bar of Texas, the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division (ABA YLD), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and other organizations are partnering to provide legal and recovery assistance to people affected by severe storms and flooding that occurred in Cameron, Hidalgo, and Willacy counties on June 24 and … Continue Reading
The Houston Bar Foundation and Houston Volunteer Lawyers will hold four free legal clinics for people impacted by Hurricane Harvey. The clinics, which take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, August 18, mark the one-year anniversary of the storm and will provide one-on-one legal advice on related issues. Volunteer attorneys from Houston … Continue Reading
Can’t wait until the Texas Bar Journal arrives in the mail? Get a head start on the November issue online at Our editorial staff’s must-reads include lessons from the basketball court to improve attorney performance, insights from veterans on living with PTS, post Hurricane Harvey FAQs, and humor from the judge’s daughter. Don’t forget … Continue Reading
A seminar was held to provide lawyers Hurricane Harvey disaster relief training on October 11 at South Texas College of Law Houston. Saundra Brown, of Lone Star Legal Aid’s Disaster Relief Unit, led the training that focused on Federal Emergency Management Agency applications and how to file an appeal for a FEMA denial.… Continue Reading
The State of Texas and the Federal Emergency Management Agency have opened four Disaster Recovery Centers in Harris, Jackson, Colorado, and Fayette counties. The centers offer in-person support to individuals and businesses who are included in the 38-county federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Harvey and the subsequent floods. Disaster survivors can visit any of the … Continue Reading
Texas homeowners, renters and business owners who suffered losses caused by the wildfires on or after Aug. 30 have more time to apply for federal disaster recovery assistance. At the request of the state, FEMA is extending the registration deadline to January 6.… Continue Reading