I’ll soon be entering my 81st year. I turned 80 on May 5. What I am experiencing is of interest only to people aging as I am, but they already know most of these things. They just may not have thought about them. This will not be relevant to younger people. Just as I … Continue Reading
Attorneys can register for a free webcast in February exploring the effects of dementia on lawyers and judges in the legal profession. “Hidden in Plain Sight: Dementia and its Impact on Lawyers and Judges,” will provide information about the signs of dementia, how to navigate available resources, and the related responsibilities and opportunities for lawyers … Continue Reading
Challenges with cognitive impairment facing aging lawyers take center stage in the May-June issue of the American Bar Association’s Bar Leader magazine. The feature article details efforts lawyer assistance program directors and bar leaders are making to prepare for issues related to the fact that attorneys are retiring later in life. In the piece, Texas … Continue Reading
Most lawyers have a story of how someone or something affected them and gave them a reason to become a lawyer. What about after you became a lawyer? I have been practicing for almost 15 years and owe my career path to two attorneys who had a great impact on my career—and they do not … Continue Reading