With the option to hide behind avatars, handles, and screen names, people can be downright mean, even libelous, while communicating online. When defamatory statements are published online and a victim chooses to take action, who is to blame? For websites like Tumblr and Twitter, which provide outlets for anyone with a username to publish content, … Continue Reading
Texas Bar Today is an online media network featuring curated news and commentary from Texas legal professionals. If you are a Texas legal professional/blogger and are not yet listed on our Texas Law Blogs section of Texas Bar Today, please email webmaster@texasbar.com to request inclusion on the site.… Continue Reading
What Ernest Hemingway reportedly considered to be his best work was also his briefest. To settle a bar bet, the story goes, Hemingway was challenged to write a complete novel in only six words. The result? "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." Texas Bar Journal, and the 2010 State Bar Annual Meeting Legal Innovation Track: … Continue Reading