State Bar of Texas PodcastIn the fifth installment in a series of episodes of the State Bar of Texas Podcast recorded from the State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting 2024, the topic focuses on managing the client relationship. Emotions can run high in family law cases, but creating realistic expectations can help your client effectively navigate the ups and downs of their legal issue. State Bar of Texas Podcast host Rocky Dhir welcomes Britney Harrison to discuss her session on client relationships at the Annual Meeting. Britney explains her processes with clients and offers insights for dealing with common assumptions and ensuring ethical practices in this very nuanced area of the law.

Britney E. Harrison is an attorney with Turner McDowell Rowan in Dallas, where she manages the spectrum of family law issues, offering special expertise in custody cases, complex property issues, and divorces involving same-sex couples.

Listen to the episode here:

Managing the Client Relationship – Family Law (State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting 2024)

The State Bar of Texas Podcast is produced in association with the Legal Talk Network.