man posing on top of stairs in front of building

The Texas Bar Journal will be following the journey of newly licensed attorney Chris Spendlove through the first year of his career. This initiative intends to show future Texas lawyers what to expect when approaching the first year of their legal career. Throughout the year, Spendlove will update the State Bar on the highs and lows as he navigates the ins and outs of year one in the legal profession. These updates will be shared on the State Bar of Texas social media and in a future issue of the magazine.

Chris Spendlove is an assistant district attorney for McLennan County and a recent Baylor Law School graduate. He passed the February 2023 Texas Bar Exam and will be sworn in at the New Lawyers Induction Ceremony on May 15.

To follow Chris’ journey, follow the State Bar of Texas on social media @statebaroftexas.