The Texas Bar Journal starts the new year with its water law issue, priming readers on the latest in Texas water law, issues centering on supply, and meeting growth in demand. The January issue also sees the conclusion of the Texas grievance series. Take a look online and don’t forget to catch up on Movers and Shakers, Disciplinary Actions, and Memorials.

When in Drought
Demand and constraints on Texas’ water supplies.
Written by Russell Johnson and Lecelle Clarke

Natural Resources
A look at developments in Texas water law.
Written by Marisa Perales

Strategic Planning
Texas water law evolves to meet rapid growth in demand.
Written by Michael A. Gershon and Nathan E. Vassar

What Texas Lawyers Need to Know About the Texas Grievance Process
Part three: avoiding common violations.
Written by Michael S. Truesdale and Seana Willing