The Texas Opportunity & Justice Incubator, or TOJI, has been nominated for the American Bar Association Louis M. Brown Award for Legal Access.
The Louis M. Brown Award for Legal Access is presented to programs and projects that advance access to legal services for those of moderate income in ways that are exemplary and replicable.
The criteria for the award includes: 1) significant improvement of the delivery of legal services and information to moderate income people; 2) innovation in the development, funding, or implementation of the delivery of legal services; 3) the ability to replicate the program or project in other settings; 4) demonstrated success in the operation of the program or project; and 5) demonstrated capacity to generate compensation for lawyers providing affordable legal services.
From April 2017 through November 2020, TOJI lawyers represented 5,282 clients, spent 20,333 hours serving 2,278 modest-income clients, provided full pro bono representation to 697 low-income clients, gave over 6,606 pro bono hours, and saved everyday Texans approximately $3,355,000.
For more information about TOJI, go to