Several legal services organizations are sponsoring a free online CLE to teach Texas attorneys how to assist with FEMA appeals. The program, FEMA Appeals 101: How to do a Common FEMA Appeal, will take place at noon on April 9 via Zoom. It is designed for pro bono attorneys interested in helping those affected by Winter Storm Uri.

Program presenters are seasoned attorneys who work with Texas legal aid organizations and who have experience handling FEMA appeals. The need for pro bono attorneys to help with FEMA appeals generally peaks around 60- to 90 days after a federal disaster declaration. The CLE is created and sponsored by the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, Lone Star Legal Aid, Tarrant County Volunteer Attorney Services, and Texas RioGrande Legal Aid.

Use the QR code here to register for this free one-hour CLE.
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