Editor’s Note: In this blog series, we are getting to know the members of the Texas Young Lawyers Association Board of Directors. TYLA, commonly called the “public service arm” of the State Bar of Texas, works to facilitate the administration of justice, foster respect for the law, and advance the role of the legal profession in serving the public. All TYLA programs are accomplished through the volunteer efforts of its board and committee members, with the cooperation of local affiliate young lawyers associations. Learn more at tyla.org.
Name: Hisham Masri
Firm: Jackson Lewis P.C.
Area of Law You Practice: Employment Law—Management Side
Position Held in TYLA: American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division District Representative for North Texas
How did you get involved in bar service? Volunteering for the Lawyers Promoting Diversity Committee with the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers. Beforehand, I would attend the socials and the social committee meetings.
What is your favorite TYLA project and why? If I Knew Then … Life Lessons from Legendary Texas Lawyers (see https://tyla.org/resource/if-i-knew-then-life-lessons-from-legendary-texas-lawyers/). As a first-generation lawyer and professional, I love how the guide teaches you skills that are useful as a young lawyer. I also love that one of my mentors, former TYLA President Rebekah Steely Brooker, helped bring the guide to life.
What tips can you give to other attorneys to manage stress? Find a hobby and find time for it. It can be working out, taking fancy baths, golf, playing games, drinking tea, watching TV, or anything else that is constructive and allows you to enjoy life. I would also encourage meditation. A few moments every night before bed helps clear the mind and makes for better rest, which will reduce stress.
What do you do in your spare time? My hobbies! I love to play games of all types. I particularly enjoy collecting modern board games. I keep an up-to-date list of my games at this website: https://boardgamegeek.com/collection/user/CorpusJurist?own=1&subtype=boardgame&ff=1. My favorite board game of all time is Race for the Galaxy. My favorite video game is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
What is one thing most people don’t know about you? I’ve been both skydiving and scuba diving. I preferred jumping out of the plane.
Anything else you wish to share? My time on the TYLA Board of Directors has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my professional life. I am grateful for the many wonderful memories and connections with great lawyers that I have gained through this association.