Judge Harlin D. Hale, of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court of the Northern District of Texas, was presented with the 14th annual William J. Norton Jr. Judicial Excellence Award at the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges annual meeting on November 1 in Washington, D.C.

The William J. Norton Jr. award, created by Thomson Reuters and the American Bankruptcy Institute, honors a bankruptcy judge whose career has embodied the same dedication to the insolvency community as did the award’s namesake. A committee of six bankruptcy attorneys selects the winner from a pool of eligible judges nominated by their fellow judges and attorneys based on the nominee’s record of service, achievements, and leadership.

Thomson Reuters donated $5,000 to the ABI Endowment for Education in Hale’s name.

Hale was recognized for his service in remarks by his colleagues from the Northern District of Texas, Judge Stacey Jernigan and Chief Judge Barbara Houser. He has served as a U.S. bankruptcy judge since 2002 and has served as chair of the State Bar of Texas and Federal Bar Association Bankruptcy sections.