San Antonio attorney and State Bar of Texas Past President Allan K. DuBois will receive the inaugural Community Champion Award from the San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Awareness, or SACADA, on October 31.
DuBois will receive the award during the council’s Red Ribbon Luncheon—which coincides with Red Ribbon Week, a nationwide drug awareness and prevention campaign—at the Omni San Antonio Hotel.
The award recognizes DuBois for his work with SACADA and as a member and officer of its board of directors. DuBois is credited with helping expand the impact of community programs and outreach in his two decades with the council.
“Addressing the value of his board service, he reflected ‘the passion for accomplishing our important mission is continually re-energized by the vision of talented colleagues and dedicated staff. They validate a hopeful truth; that positive outcomes will result from empowering people through education, awareness, and prevention of substance use disorders,’” according to a statement in the luncheon program. “In his personal journey blessed now by long-term recovery, he has experienced the benefits of mentors sharing their personal ‘experience, strength, and hope.’”
With the State Bar of Texas, DuBois has also served as a chairperson and board liaison to the Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program Committee. He also volunteers with the peer group Texas Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers as well as Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans.
SACADA began in 1957 as simply the San Antonio Council. As a nonprofit organization, SACADA focuses on educating communities on preventing the use, abuse, and addiction to alcohol and other drugs. The council provides information, resources, and services to about 90,000 people in Bexar County and 28 surrounding counties in south central Texas, according to the website.
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