Our thoughts are with the people of El Paso in the wake of the tragedy that transpired on Saturday.
In memory of those who lost their lives and in accordance with Saturday’s proclamation by Gov. Greg Abbott, the State Bar of Texas has lowered the Texas flag to half-staff. The flag shall remain at half-staff as a sign of honor and respect through sunset on Thursday, August 8.
A blood drive to aid those wounded in El Paso is being held until 3 p.m. today at the Texas Capitol Building. Volunteers can sign up at weareblood.org using the group code: C234. Contact Jo Cassandra Cuevas at 512-709-8789 with questions or Craig Wellborn at 512-206-1316 to schedule an appointment.
Another blood drive is being held at Ysleta Independent School District Office Atrium until 4 p.m. today at 9600 Sims Drive, El Paso. Blood donations are also being accepted at Vitalent Blood Services at 424 S. Mesa Hills Drive and 133 N. Zaragoza Road.
The El Paso Police Department encouraged donors to call 877-258-4825 or go to bloodhero.com to make an appointment.