Once again, after many months of hard work by attorney-authors and in-house staff, TexasBarBooks has successfully updated the civil series of the Texas Pattern Jury Charges. For 50 years, the Texas Pattern Jury Charges have been valued tools for both the bench and the bar for drafting questions, instructions, and definitions in a broad variety of cases.

To reach the point of publication, volunteer committees meet regularly to discuss legislative and caselaw changes that affect the volumes and new topics that should be covered in them. TexasBarBooks staff publications attorneys and editors then review and fine-tune the material provided by these committees, after which the printed books go into production and the digital downloads are created.

The State Bar of Texas Book Fund was established in 1960, and the first book designed to assist lawyers in their practice that appears to have had substantial staff support was Texas Pattern Jury Charges, Volume 1, published in 1969. “This year we celebrate 50 years of the esteemed Texas Pattern Jury Charges,” said TexasBarBooks Assistant Director Jill Hoefling. “We are proud to present the 2018 civil editions and wish to thank the members of our PJC committees, who work tirelessly to ensure that every word in new and existing jury charges correctly reflect current law, and our dedicated staff for its hard work and diligence in getting these volumes into the hands of Texas lawyers.”