The State Bar of Texas Immigration and Nationality Law Section took top honors for the highest total number of reported hours and the greatest percentage of member participation.

Immigration and Nationality Law Section members provided 16,303 hours of pro bono service, and 17.2 percent of members participated in providing pro bono services. Section member Karen George-Baunchand, an attorney with the International Center for Justice, provided more than 1,100 hours of pro bono service last year.

The Immigration and Nationality Section will be recognized for its excellent effort during the Council of Chairs meeting on February 22 in Austin.

“Thank you to all the sections for rallying your members,” said Hannah Allison, State Bar of Texas Pro Bono Programs administrator. “You are answering the pro bono call, and Texans in need are reaping the benefits! I challenge all 50 sections to engage in a pro bono program or create a pro bono project by 2021.”

Other sections reporting high pro bono hours are the Family Law Section (15,626 hours), Criminal Justice Section (7,245 hours), and the Real Estate, Probate & Trust Law Section (6,537 hours).

Sections with the highest percentage of members participating include the Military & Veterans Law Section (7.8 percent), Justice of the Peace Courts Section (7.6 percent), Family Law Section (7.3 percent), and Criminal Justice Section (6.5 percent).

For more information about pro bono opportunities, go to